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How to rate wein.plus

Tasting according to the strictest rules

Tasting and editorial director Marcus Hofschuster has an outstanding reputation as a conscientious and incorruptible wine critic. Together with trained sommelier Kim Schreiber, he tastes wines from all regions of Europe for wein.plus, always according to identical quality and tasting standards.

Currently, wein.plus 3,302 classified wineries with professional descriptions and ratings of wines 168,129 Wines are published. Producers and wines are updated and added to on a daily basis.

The ratings from wein.plus are among the most reliable in the industry. They are comprehensible and repeatable.

Our rules:

  1. Each wine is tasted exclusively blind. During the evaluation, the taster never knows which wine from which producer is in the glass.
  2. All wines are tasted in a neutral tasting room in Erlangen to minimise distracting influences. In contrast to other wine guides, wein.plus does not evaluate wines at trade fairs or at the producer's premises.
  3. To validate the ratings, cross-checks are carried out on a regular basis , in which wines that have already been tasted once before are put through their paces.
  4. There are only enough samples per day to guarantee plenty of time and peace and quiet for each individual wine. Many wines are also tasted at least twice in order to take into account their development in the air.
  5. All tasters have many years of experience and taste full-time.

Why we award fewer points than other tasters

In recent years, we have observed an upward shift in scores throughout the wine industry and the tasting media. Wines that used to be awarded 85 points are now more likely to score 90 points or more.

In contrast, we continue to use the original, stricter categorisation, which allows for much better differentiation. For this reason, the recommendable wines at wein.plus start at 80 WP.

The classification of producers

One of the best producers in the world

Year after year, the wines from these wineries are among the absolute best of their kind and are almost unrivalled at the top - regardless of vintage fluctuations. But even the simpler growths are almost without exception excellent. There are practically no weaknesses, and even mediocre wines are almost unheard of.

One of the best producers in the country

Producer of first-class wines that are usually among the best of their kind, even by international standards. Mediocre wines are very rare, and there are hardly ever any real weaknesses. Even in difficult years, first-class quality wines are regularly produced here.

One of the best producers in the region

The wines maintain a consistently high level and are among the best in their respective categories in the region. There are hardly any weaknesses, although they can occur in problematic vintages. However, these must be compensated for in good years with particularly convincing ranges in order for a winery to maintain its status. Basically, you can buy blind here.

Good producer

The quality can fluctuate here, but as a rule two-star producers produce good to very good wines that are well worth looking out for.

Producer of simple wines

Ideally, the wines here are clean, palatable and good value, but rarely meet higher standards. Major weaknesses can occur.

Our drinking recommendations

Each wine rating contains a forecast of the best drinking period under normal storage conditions. However, many wines remain in good condition even beyond this period. We just do not want to guarantee that they will continue to develop favourably. However, ideal storage conditions in particular can significantly extend the development period.

Our Favourite wines

In contrast to the points rating, which is intended to reflect the actual quality of a wine as neutrally and objectively as possible, the "Favourite wines" is a completely subjective award for the wines that we personally like best.

Favourite wines the "" wines are the finest and most interesting wines for us in their style, category and price range. We would buy them for ourselves at any time.

To the Favourite wines

Grading according to the 100-point system

wein.plus our wines are rated according to the internationally recognised 100-point system, which is based on the American school grading system. We use the abbreviation WP = wein.plus points in our scoring system.

What our scores mean

100 WP unique

Wines that can only be done differently, but not better.

95-99 WP great

World-class wines whose depth, complexity, character and expressiveness create an unforgettable, sensual experience.

90-94 WP outstanding

First-class wines that are among the best of their kind. They are characterised by purity, harmony, depth and character.

85-89 WP very good

Remarkable wines with personality, expression, complexity and depth. They deserve the attention of every wine lover.

80-84 WP good

Clean, harmonious, at best typical wines.

75-79 WP passable

Neutral, simple wine, without any faults.

70-74 WP adequate

Very simple wines whose weaknesses outweigh their merits.

60-69 WP inadequate

Wines with considerable shortcomings that stand in the way of enjoyment.

50-59 WP Unsatisfactory

Wines with serious, disfiguring defects or gross wine faults.

Tasting team

Marcus Hofschuster

is tasting and editorial manager at wein.plus.

He began his intensive interest in wine as a teenager. In the decades that followed, he acquired a profound knowledge of the world of wine through travelling and countless tastings.

During his time as a wine merchant in Schwabach and Nuremberg, he came up with the idea of a comprehensive guide to the best German and international wines, which he put into practice in 1999: he gave up the wine trade and since then has devoted himself exclusively to tasting wein.plus, which he has made a permanent fixture in European wine criticism for over 20 years.

With his strict evaluation system, his thorough and uncompromising tasting practice and his incorruptibility, Marcus Hofschuster sets standards for serious tasting in terms of actual wine quality.

Kim Schreiber

was born in Nuremberg and grew up in Eckental-Eschenau in Middle Franconia. As a trained hotel manager and sommelier, she has worked in various Bavarian hotels and top restaurants, including the Vue Maximilian, Tantris and Rilano No.6 in Munich. More

Voices of our members

Weingut Münzberg - Gunter Keßler

For us, the objective evaluation of our wines is paramount. We place our complete trust in wein.plus and Marcus Hofschuster. We know that our wines are tasted blind. We can also send them in several times to follow their development. The results are credible, transparent and independent.

Weingut Münzberg - Gunter Keßler
Landau-Godramstein (Pfalz)